Gifted and Talented Education

MSTL: Math, Science, Technology and Leadership

A two-week commuter and residential program intended for academically talented students

SuMO: Summer Mathematics Online

Provides classroom instruction for qualified gifted students looking to complete accelerated math instruction in a shorter time beginning the week of June 20 and ending the week of August 29.

Intensive Study in The World of Computer Science: The Underlying Language

A one-week program students will cover the basic material that they need to understand computer science and to build a foundation in coding.

Intensive Study in Sustainable Agriculture and Remote Sensing

A one-week program students will learn the application of advanced crop system models to predict the impact of weather, soil and management on short-term and long-term yield, nutrient uptake, water use efficiency and environmental outcomes.

Intensive Study in Computer Art: Merging Programming and Creativity

A one-week program students will use tools such as Cinema4D, Mograph, X-Particles and simple programming languages to generate animations and images ranging from realistic to completely abstract.

Intensive Study in Non-Fiction v. Fiction Writing: Focus on Space and Place

A one-week program students will examine setting as the character, working with describing places as they are, places imagined realistically, and places imagined without these realistic coundaries.

PRE-LAW: LitiGATE, An Intensive Study in Prosecuting and Defending a Criminal Case

A one-week program students will work with Western Michigan University’s Cooley Law School.

Intensive Study in Aqueous and Environmental Geochemistry

A one-week program students will work with EES’ Hydrogeology and Biogeochemistry Laboratories.

Intensive Study PRE-MED ED

A one-week program for students with a strong interest in science who want to learn more about becoming a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care professional.